Wiki Hpi - modifying factors

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I would like to get some opinions regarding the use of the following statement in the HPI as a Modifying Factor element - "The patient has not tried anything for the rash" Most if the information given to use as an element for the Modifying Factors has been the patient has tried this or that but in this case the physician asked if the patient has tried anything and the patient stated they have not done anything. Any Thoughts? I believe we can use this statement as an HPI element for Modifying factors.
I would not think this could be used. A modifying factor is not just WHAT was done or happened, but HOW it affected or affects the condition. Stating that nothing was done really only covers the first half of that.
I've not been able to find anything written to support or refute my opinion. However, I believe that for the history component, anything that is asked receives credit. So if the provider says, "have you tried anything for the rash?" that is good enough for me. But like I said, I've not found anything in writing on the subject. It's not usually an issue for my docs, since they either do way more than enough for an HPI, or one or two words.