Wiki HPI Help - Hypertension


Annville, PA
Best answers
HPI: Hypertension. Has not been seen here for 6 years. Has a dry cough for years, sometimes has phlegm, no cp or sob. Denies recent weight loss but has lost 20 pounds over the last 2-3 years. No fever or chills. No headaches or vision changes.

Location: Cough
Quality: Dry
Duration: 2-3 years
Assoc. S&S: phlegm, cp, sob, fever, chills headaches and vision.

I pulled 4 elements from this HPI, but not 100% sure about the location is correct. Looking for a second opinion. Thank you.
HPI: Hypertension. Has not been seen here for 6 years. Has a dry cough for years, sometimes has phlegm, no cp or sob. Denies recent weight loss but has lost 20 pounds over the last 2-3 years. No fever or chills. No headaches or vision changes.

Location: Cough
Quality: Dry
Duration: 2-3 years
Assoc. S&S: phlegm, cp, sob, fever, chills headaches and vision.

I pulled 4 elements from this HPI, but not 100% sure about the location is correct. Looking for a second opinion. Thank you.

What is the Chief Complaint? My understanding is HPI is directly related to the CC. Is the patient here for Hypertension? What is the HPI for the HTN. I think I would include the cough as a CC.
Cough is a Assoc. S/S, but you would still have 4.

Quality: Dry
Assoc. S/S: Cough,
Timing: Sometimes
Duration: for years

I would use the others for ROS if you don't have them under a different heading.