Wiki Hpi elements?


Beechhurst, NY
Best answers
Hi All,
How many elements can I count for this particular encounter?
42 year old female presents with c/o cracking dry skin of the heels x 2years. patient denies any trauma to the feet.
Thank you.
Hi All,
How many elements can I count for this particular encounter?
42 year old female presents with c/o cracking dry skin of the heels x 2years. patient denies any trauma to the feet.
Thank you.

I get:

location: heels
duration: 2 years
quality: cracking dry skin
associated signs and symptoms: denies any trauma to the feet

That is my take on it. Hope this helps
Hi Eadun,
I'm leaning towards billing this to 99203 but here is the progress note:(PODIATRY VISIT)
42 year old female presents with c/o cracking dry skin of the heels x 2years. patient denies any trauma to the feet.
Current Medication:
Medical History:
Borderline diabetes



PEDAL PULSES Dorsalis pedis, +1/4, bilateral, Posterior tibial, 0/4, bilateral. CAPILLARY REFILL TIME 2# of seconds x 10 toes. TEMPERATURE GRADIENT WNLs, bilaterally.

SKIN FINDINGS: Signs of:, fissure b/l heels and plantar forefoot b/l.

Chapping skin - 709.8 (Primary)

Chapping skin
Start Lactinol Lotion, 10 %, Externally, 1 application to affected area, Twice a day

But I think I just code this to 99202 since I have only ONE ROS and how about my PHY.EXAM does it qualifies for level two following the 1995 DG.

I really appreciate the attention you gave in my thread.thanks a lot..God Bless..
I agree. 99202. Plus, I do not feel that the nature of the presenting problem would have warrented a 99203 anyway.

Have a great day!
Thanks... Everybody for the input this forum really helps me lot more power to all of this unending struggle and learning career ...
I would not count the denies trauma to feet. In order to be able to count it as an associated sign/symptom it needs to be a positive. I could see counting this for ROS since you can use both positives and negatives.
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I would not count the denies trauma to feet. In order to be able to count it as an associated sign/symptom it needs to be a positive. I could see counting this for ROS since you can use both positives and negatives.

Associated signs and symptoms do not need to be positive. How do you support that they are only "positives"?