Wiki HPI elements


springfield, MO
Best answers
Hi. Can someone help me pick out some elements of HPI in this "HPI"? Other than location, the rest sounds like past medical history to me.

Reason for Consult: Gangrene of right 2nd toe and 1st metatarsal stump.

Patient is a 74 y.o. Caucasian male who is seen for podiatric consultation as requested by **, MD. He is questioned, examined, and the chart is reviewed. He is well familiar to me as he had disarticular amputation of the left 1st metatarso-phalangeal joint due to dry gangrene on 3/31/17. Pre-operatively, U.S. Duplex arterial studies performed on 3/22/17 showed mild arterial insufficiency of bilateral lower extremities, and triphase bone scan performed on 3/13/17 was negative for osteomyelitis of the right foot.
Of note, he has a history of diabetes mellitus with diabetic neuropathy diagnosed in 2000 and deep vein thrombosis of the right leg in 2012. He has a pacemaker and is on anti-coagulation therapy with Coumadin. He is retired.


I agree with you the rest sounds like past medical history. It does not seem like anything was asked of the patient such as current signs/symptoms, how long has it been going on, what makes it better/worse, or severity.
