Wiki HPI elements - wants to know


Trivandrum, KL
Best answers
Please check with these HPI elements

Fever started on monday, got worse at 8 pm today. wants to know if "8pm" timing

deformity to knee, TV fell on leg, non -ambulatory. wants to know if "non -ambulatory" severity

knee pain , fell y day, unable to bear weight, wants to know if "unable to bear weight " severity

Fever started on monday,102 degree, got worse at 8 pm today. wants to know if "102" severity
Severity defination : level of pain (pain scale, temps to 102, extremely agitated.

So for your examples below the I think the last 2 would fall under severity and the timing one is correct.

My opinion for the non-ambulatory would be quality.

Thanks, Sue
Please check with these HPI elements

Fever started on monday, got worse at 8 pm today. wants to know if "8pm" timing

deformity to knee, TV fell on leg, non -ambulatory. wants to know if "non -ambulatory" severity

knee pain , fell y day, unable to bear weight, wants to know if "unable to bear weight " severity

Fever started on monday,102 degree, got worse at 8 pm today. wants to know if "102" severity

8pm today would count as timing - timing is when, or how often something occurs.
I agree with non-ambulatory being Quality, and the others being severity, but I think that a better fit would be "tv fell on leg" = Context.

Quality = How you'd describe the problem
Location = Where the problem occurs
Severity = How bad it is
Timing = When/How often it occurs
Duration = The total length of time that the problem has been occuring
Context = Circumstances surrounding the problem
Modifying Factors = Actions taken to try to affect the problem
Associated Signs Symptoms = Related symptoms, which are probably the result of the same condition as the main problem.

Timing vs Duration

Duration refers to how long the problem has been occurring.
Timing refers to cyclical nature ... intermittent, constant

Fever started on monday, got worse at 8 pm today - Duration and severity (got worse)

deformity to knee, TV fell on leg, non -ambulatory
- Location, context, associated sign/symptom (maybe ... can't tell if the patient was already non-ambulatory or if this is a result of the injury)

knee pain , fell y day, unable to bear weight, - Location, duration, severity OR associated sign/symptom (but not both)

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC