Wiki HPI elements - Unresponsive at home


True Blue
Best answers
Can I please get other opinions on the number of elements in this HPI? Note reads: Unresponsive at home. Per patient, patient was drinking four loco, valium, and smoking "herb". Patient was found unresponsive by family. EMS reports patient was bradypneic, unresponsive to pain with pinpoint pupils, 2 mg Narcan given to awake patient. Patient currently awake, oriented x 3. Denies suicide/homicide ideation.

Thanks for your help.
I am going to have to go with 4.

Location: Unresponsive at home
Context: Per patient, patient was drinking four loco, valium, and smoking "herb
Severity: unresponsive to pain ( I am on the fence about this one)
Modifying Factor: 2 mg Narcan given to awake patient.
HPI Elements

I agree with Severity, Context and Modifying factor, But iam not sure that we can use Unresponsive at home as location, Because Location is the Patient statement regarding the anatomical place , position, or site of the chief complaint. for example Ear pain, RUQ abdominal pain and cut at foot.

An the ROS is Constitutional - Patient currently awake, oriented x 3
Psychiatric - Denies suicide/homicide ideation.
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