Wiki HPI Count


Clark Freeport Zone, PH
Best answers
Hi everyone could you please help me to count the HPI for this NB

BG is 36 hours female who presumed sepsis. Child was born 6/9 at 22:04. she is a 39 week by GA born to a 35yo G4P3 mother with neg prenatal labs. ROM occurred 5 hours prior to delivery. Fluid was clear. Child was born by SVD with apgars 9,9 BW was 3684 grams. Child is LGA with stable sugars.

Mother developed fever to 101.5 shortly after birth. Blood cultures obtained on mom grew GNR within 12hours. Will start septic workup on baby now for presumed chrorio/sepsis in mother.

I got brief HPI here.

HPI for newborn


I think there is a lot to work with there and probably could get a complete HPI numerous ways. I would use the following: Duration - 36 hours old (presumed infected during delivery); Quality - Fluid was clear; Severity - Mother developed fever to 101.5, cultures grew within 12 hours; Context - neg prenatal labs, apgars 9,9, LGA with stable sugars.

I hope this helps.

Hi everyone could you please help me to count the HPI for this NB

BG is 36 hours female who presumed sepsis. Child was born 6/9 at 22:04. she is a 39 week by GA born to a 35yo G4P3 mother with neg prenatal labs. ROM occurred 5 hours prior to delivery. Fluid was clear. Child was born by SVD with apgars 9,9 BW was 3684 grams. Child is LGA with stable sugars.

Mother developed fever to 101.5 shortly after birth. Blood cultures obtained on mom grew GNR within 12hours. Will start septic workup on baby now for presumed chrorio/sepsis in mother.

I got brief HPI here.


I think there is a lot to work with there and probably could get a complete HPI numerous ways. I would use the following: Duration - 36 hours old (presumed infected during delivery); Quality - Fluid was clear; Severity - Mother developed fever to 101.5, cultures grew within 12 hours; Context - neg prenatal labs, apgars 9,9, LGA with stable sugars.

I hope this helps.

Thank you very much