Wiki How Would I Bill This?

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Put This out Under Dermatology on Friday, got a lot of looks but no response. So I will now try the under side, Plastic SX. Here is my question:
DR. #1 is a Derm./MOHS SX and he is going to remove the lesion by performing the MOHS SX.
He will be billing a CPT 99243 along with 17311.

DR. #2 is a Plastic SX and he is going to come behind an do the Complex Repair
He will bill CPT 13132.

Here is the question:

They are both in the same group practice and bill under the same tax ID#. They have their own NPI#'s. How would I bill this claim?
All under one doctor and let them deal with the money on the back end?
Do I bill on two seperate claims under each NPI#?

Any help would be much appreicated!:)
I guess I would bill each separately, not sure why you would not with separate NPI's. For the plastic surgeons part I would use the V10.83 and not the lesion code. There are specialists out there in this group that will weight in too!!
Since they are different specialties you shouldn't have a problem billing separate claims.