Wiki How to give a coding presentation?


Commerce City, CO
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I have to give a "presentation" to a couple of new NPs regarding the basics of coding ICD-9 and CPT (they code their own reports and I audit them). I have never done anything like this before and am wondering if anyone has any pointers or links for assistance in putting together such a presentation? I've only been coding for three years and want to make sure I cover the basics and a little more depth without being too confusing. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I would create a presentation that covers E/M Guidelines so they know what is needed in order to code certain Levels. Examples

Start off from the beginning with CC and HPI

1-3 for a PF, 1-3 + 1 ROS for an EPF, etc etc

I would then go into the difference in exams 97 or 95, depending on your specialty and which one would be more advantageous for the provider.

Then the good ole important MDM.... There are many websites that can assist you in creating something. If you want to email me, I can share a basic Coding PPT that I have

Now, I am coding for Surgery reports. Based on my experience, I find OP reports which lack important information like size of the lesion, partial vs complete removal, limited vs extensive intervention etc. Since these information have impact on revenue, they can be included in your presentation.
I always make slides with important and often overlooked instructions from the coding guidelines, as well as instructions included within the chapters of the ICD-9 book.