Wiki How to find employment newly certified with no experience


Marion, OH
Best answers
How do you go about getting experience and landing a job when you are over qualified or underqualified. Having a hard time being a newly CPC-A and CPB finding anything or anyone to hire me. The Xtern program is not available to me.
If you don't have any coding experience, then look for another role in the revenue cycle......front desk, patient access, medical records, pre-authorization, payment poster, etc. Once you're hired, make sure you're an outstanding employee...... work ethic is particularly important to hiring coding managers, since those jobs are usually production based.
Have someone take a look at your resume. Maybe you're not representing yourself as well as you could.
Overqualified? Says who? If you really want an entry-level position, maybe you'll have to do something that isn't an ideal role, but I guarantee that every job is an opportunity to learn.