Wiki How To Code This Perinatal Scenario


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26 days old baby admitted from 1 hospital to another hospital needs further management of pneumonia. Discharge summary showed principal diagnosis as bronchopneumonia.What would be the coding sequence?

They say the correct coding sequence is 779.89 and 485. But I feel 770.89 is more accurate instead of 779.89 because that code is for other "respiratory" problems vs 779.89 which is for other specified "conditions". For the entire code range of 760-779 the note says "use additional code to further specify condition" which I took as meaning any code in that range would fall under that note whether it was under a specific code or not.

Another person feels that the difference is that "770.89 specifically states "after birth" while 779.89 states "other specified condition during the perinatal period". To me, after birth would mean just that - like TTN, but at 26 days the infant falls under the "perinatal" category."

And I'm leaning along the lines that code 770.89 is for newborn, based on the ICD-10 code description under the code (I would assume that the same description is for ICD-9 also) wouldn't "newborn" and "perinatal" mean the same thing?