Patient has a lower lip 5 cm transverse laceration, 4 cm of which is through and through. There is a 1 cm inferior extension to the outside of the lip.
Procedure: The internal mucosa was approximated with 4-0 Vicryl in interrupted fashion and the vermilion border externally was approximated with 4-0 Prolene inferior to the vermilion border and as part of the laceration went through it, 4-0 Vicryl on the superior portions. Internal 4-0 Vicryls were also placed.
I would greatly apprecitate any help. Thank you
Procedure: The internal mucosa was approximated with 4-0 Vicryl in interrupted fashion and the vermilion border externally was approximated with 4-0 Prolene inferior to the vermilion border and as part of the laceration went through it, 4-0 Vicryl on the superior portions. Internal 4-0 Vicryls were also placed.
I would greatly apprecitate any help. Thank you