Wiki How to code infection


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I am wanting to know how you would code an infection that was obtained due to IV Drug Use from recreational drugs? I have researched but am not finding a specific code to use to show the reason for the infection. Thanks
Check list of drug chemicals in front of ICD10 manual to locate the type of drug abusing. Or if only use sub abuse see dx block F19. Naturally depends on documentation but if pt is abusing specific sub abuse drugs code it first. As example if pt was abusing dx block F11.1 Opioid add this first on claim, then get infected of skin or internally infection codes. See the infection code defined by that problem as example dx block B36.8. If doctor used sepsis word see dx A49.9 I d put 2nd dx on clam adverse effect of opioid unintentional use dx T40.0X5. However if not defined but some kind of psych drugs could see dx block of T39. Then Id code the infection (if lab results give you specific type of infection look this up or put in dx Block of A49.9 or B36.8. Or if skin ulcer due to infection see dx block of L98.1 or L98.491. or cellulitis dx L03. If not give you the exact sub abuse problem you can F19. Some provider just say substance abuse and not define it, might have to query him or her. So as example use for Opioid Abuse with skin infection from needle prick .....code dx F11.1, T40.OX5A, B36.8, and if skin ulcer grew from infection add dxL03 per body area.

Also I would not use dx T81 dx bock because it looks like provider's or hospital fault. The case sis due to abuse of IV drug abuser from what you stated above.

I hope I explained this and was helpful to you.
Lady T
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