Wiki how to code for inhalation treatment


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We have a child that comes in for asthma problems and is billed with 99214. Child is given 2 inhalation treatments. Can I bill 99214 plus inhalation treatment? Does it need a modifier? If so which would I use?

yes and yes!!

You can most certainly bill for a Nebulizer Treatment (CPT 94640) you can also bill out for the pulse oximeter (94760) if you are checking the childs O2 stats before,between and/or after the treatments.

As far as the modifers, it really depends on the payer. It SHOULD not per CPT guidlines, but the reality is payers will bundle and state inclusive. Most payers will pay for me when I use a 25 on the office visit. Some want the 59 on the 94640. I even have 1 insurance co who wants the 25 on the o.v and a 59 on the procedure.

Hope this helps
I agree with the 94640. Don't forget to bill for the supplies also. HCPCS A46-A4799. What ever is applicable. MOst of my payors allow these supply codes.