Wiki how to code Carfilzomib for hospital Oncology?


Yorktown Heights, New York
Best answers
Can some some tell me how to code Carfilzomib IV infusion ? pt. have multyple myeloma?

Would it be correct to code following?

V07.39 -prophylactic Chemotherapy
203.00 --multyple myeloma

Cpt -96413 chemo IV infusion
ICD-9 procedure code--00.18 or something else?

Carfilzomib is a proteasome inhibitor not antieoplastic drug. what would be best v code and ICD-9 procedure code? Can the IV be code as 96413 chemotherapy IV?

you would not use the V07.39 as this is not prophlactic treatment, you use only the 203.00 code also if the drugs are not chem then do not use chemo admin codes and if you are billing physician or facility outpatient do not use the ICD-9 procedure codes.
Thanks mitchellde.. I agree with you regarding not using v coded but Carfilzomib comes under chemotherapy. Its not therapudic drug. So how can I code for CPT and icd-9 procedure code? We do code for cpt and ICD-9 procedure code in facility.
Sorry I read the drug wrong, yes you would use chemo admin, but for our multiple myeloma patients we never used the V58.11 code we always used the myeloma code. If you are coding for outpatient you should never be appending the Vol 3 codes as they will have to be removed prior to claim submission.