Wiki How to code angioplasty of arterial inflow of AV fistula


Oldsmar, FL
Best answers
Could someone verify my coding of this procedure?

Patient had a fistulagram (36147). then...
"A reflux arteriogram was performed to evaluate the inflow tract including the arterial anastamosis and proximal artery. There was no significant stenosis in the arterial anastamosis.
Two areas of significant stenosis were noted in the arterial inflow.
The fistula was cannulated a second time, in a retrograde direction. The stenosis were successfully treated with a 6mm x 40mm balloon."
I coded:
36147, 36148, 35475, 75962

Any input appreciated.. :)
I agree with your code selection. The initial access for the diagnostic fistulogram (36147) is documented. The additional access for therapeutic intervention (36148) is also documented. Since the stenotic areas are in the peri-anastomotic region which is considered an artery, codes 35475 and 75962 would be correct. The codes 35475 and 75962 would be billed only once.