Wiki How to code aftercare for SLAP


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Not sure how to code for aftercare of a SLAP repair. The patient is no longer in the post op period but not completely healed which aftercare dx code should i use?

Thank you :)
Thank you for your help but I get so confused between the aftercare code and the follow up codes.

The follow up codes are suppose to imply that the condition has been fully treated and no longer exist. The aftercare code is suppose to be for when the patient "requires continued care during the healing or recovery phase or for the long term consequences of the disease" (according to guidelines).

Am I suppose to assume that once the surgery has occurred that the condition no longer exists and therefore we use followup codes but yet the patient is still in healing phase?

Sorry, I just can't seem to wrap my head around this concept. Maybe you can clarify this for me.
The difference between followup and after care is ,
Aftercare implies that the provider is still tending to some aspect of the procedure, such as dressing changes, or adjustment of a tube or other appliance.
Followup, indicates that the provider documents that the patient is healing or has healed as expected.
You do not code the reason for the surgery once the patient is out of the OR.
Some say that cancer is an exception but it really is not, the reason we still code the cancer is because even thought the tumor has been removed, the patient has residual cancer cells that will be treated with adjunctive therapy.
Thank you

Now I finally got it!! Thank you so much it was the way you explained it that I think it has finally sunk into my head :)

I appreciate your help! You have given me lots of advice over the last few days and it has made a huge difference.

I do try to find my answers inthe forum when i'm stuck but some times I just don't have enough time to read everything.
I've been a radiology coder for over 20 years & I still get stumped on this concept so don't worry. I code using 2 of the major NLP systems. One will assigned V67 for a history that says "post op" & the other will code V58. Where I get stumped is we in radiology only have the radiologist's report & you know it never gives much information unfortunately. Most times you don't even know when the surgery was performed so it is difficult to know whether the patient is an aftercare or a post op in order to choose which code to assign. You can look at whether there were comparison views & the dates of those or if there are still drain caths in place, etc., but really that is then coding by assumption which as you know we ARE NOT supposed to do that.

I do not have a subscription of the AHA Coding Clinic does anyone know if they address this issue? Is it written somewhere that if the coder doesn't have specifics is there then a default rule such as there is for congenital vs. acquired conditions? Thank you.


Renee Lien, RCC
Independent Certified Radiology Coder