Wiki how to bill within a multi-specialist clinc for same day appointments?


Ore City, TX
Best answers
I work for a multi-specialist clinic (pcp, ortho, pod, cardio, etc)-----can we bill for same day appointments by two different specialities for the same patient? Example: patient sees a podiatrist and an orthopeadic doctor on the same day & both the podiatrist and orthopaedic doctor uses the same Tax ID for billing purposes

Thank you
Multi specialty clinic

HI ,
I also work for a multi specialty clinic and we have this issue quite often . I usually will get a denial stating that even though they are two different specialties which I do appeal, they are billing under the same group NPI. However I have found that as long as only one is using a new patient code and the other is using an established code for the visits they will get paid. I don't know if that helps but it has been my experience.