Wiki How to bill for Covid Vaccine

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I work for a free standing ASC and we specialize in cataract surgery, anyway the owner wants us to start distributing the covid vaccine. They are currently in the approval process and they are wanting me to figure out how to bill insurance for the administration of the vaccine.
I have ever done outpatient surgery billing for the facility. I honestly know nothing of vaccination billing and anything it entails. The CMS toolkits honestly have no real information that is helpful. I have figured out the codes to bill (admin code, rev code, dx code) but I know nothing else. Would I still use the UB-04 claim form? Should the facility bill for services or is the the prescribing doctor that is billing? Where on the claim form does the NDC# go?
Can a company pay for their employees to be vaccinated? How would that work?
Is there any proper training out there on how to do vaccination billing?
I appreciate any and all feedback.