Wiki How many exam bullets to you get?

Cardiovascular system: Regular rate & rhythem, no murmurs, rubs or gallops.

How many bullets is that?

Under the 97' guidelines - one bullet for auscultation of the heart (sounds of the heart)

Under the 95' guidelines - credit for Cardiovascular

Hope this helps! :)
We recently went to an EMR which seems to be counting this as two exam bullets. I only see one. You gotta love how computers do things so much better than we do.
We recently went to an EMR which seems to be counting this as two exam bullets. I only see one. You gotta love how computers do things so much better than we do.

I only see one - 'ascultation of heart'. Our EMR is overly-generous, as well. You'd think they'd consult coders when making the rules for the software, but apparently not.

Ours also counts "Genitourinary' and 'Gynecologic' as separate systems for ROS. I actually have a HUGE list of things that are wrong with it, which can cause overcoding. I'm sure my complaints will fall of deaf ears, though. I feel your pain - some of these EMR features are more of a headache than they're worth.:rolleyes: