Wiki How many elements?

I would have a tough time giving credit for acute. I would be more likely to use it as a determining factor for which HPI I was going to score (acute vs chronic)
Could acute be used as quality perhaps? While I have been coding for many years (mainly NS), I have not worked much with E&M coding until recently.
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Depending on how the word is used, acute could convey information regarding the quality, severity, or timing of the problem.

Here are 2 definitions of acute:
(of a bad, difficult, or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) Present or experienced to a severe or intense degree.
(of a disease or its symptoms) Of short duration but typically severe.
sharp - keen - penetrating - pointed - shrewd - piercing

Judging by the context, I believe it is meant to describe the severity (Severity) of the swelling in the left knee (Location) from kick boxing (context.) If the chief complaint is knee pain, the swelling is an associated sign/symptom.