Wiki How many E/M can you code in a day ??


True Blue
Salt Lake City, UT
Best answers
If you pull out your audit sheets and code every bullet you can find in the documentation, how many encounters can you do in a day?

We just had a "Friendly Audit" in that we hired the auditors. The docs mark the DX codes and the level of E/M. Then I write in the DX codes. If I disagree with the E/ level, and I OFTEN do, then I wait three days for the dictation to come back and code it bullet per bullet.

So for those out there that are always reading the dictation and coding the office visit that way, how many can you get done in one day? I have 6 docs, soon to be 7, that see 6 - 18 patients per day. There is no way that I could hand code all of them with the audit sheet.

I'm just trying to get info that I need for hospital administration.
Thanks !!
You will get faster as time goes on, I think the volume of number of E&M per day is individual. I can do several (80+ per day). I know others that can audit and or code even more.
No software I do it the old fashioned way for auditing, I track bullets. I use either the 95 or 97 depending on which set of guidelines the physician tells me he/she uses. But I have been doing this for a long time and as I said you get faster as time goes by. Also I audit the codes for the entire encounter not just the E&M.
Debra -

How long have you been doing the audits? (I also audit the old fashioned way)

Are the 80 E/M audits per 8 hour work day? (so 10 audits per hour?)

We never figured this out, so I am just curious. 10 per hour sounds about right....