Wiki How many Body area ,Organ systems can you count in these Exams?


Shrewsbury, MA
Best answers
Exam 1:
No increased jugular distention, Heart RRR,S1,S2,Lungs clear,Extremities No edema.Ingrown left second toe nail with onychomycosis.

Exam 2:
In no acute distress BP 130/90. No increased jugular venous distention.Heart:RRR,S1-S2.No S3,S4 murmur.Lungs clear.Extremities No edema.

Exam 3: BP 101/60.Heart rate 75.BMI 38.65. No increased jugular venous distention Heart:RRR,S1-S2.No S3,S4 murmur.Lungs clear.Extremities No edema.

These were documented by my providers and we use 1995 guidelines to audit their charts.
Does JVD and Edema and Heart be rolled into Cardiovascular and count as 1 organ system
or can I give 3 points for Edema(for Extremity),JVD(for Neck) and Heart.
In Exam 1, you have three systems: cardiovascular, respiratory and integumentary.
In Exam 2, you have three systems: constitutional, cardiovascular, respiratory.
In Exam 3, you have three systems: constitutional, cardiovascular, respiratory.