Wiki How does a CPC-A find a coding job? Any tips?


Tucson Cactus Coders
Best answers
I'm a CPC-A looking for a job in Tucson, AZ. Does anyone have any leads or any tips on helping me find employment? Thank you. All help is greatly appreciated. :eek:
Job as CPC-A

It is almost impossible to find anything as a CPC-A. I have had my cert as a CPC-A for a year now and have not found employment. Am being told that I need to be a CPC-P before I will even be considered for positions. Currently I am volunteering in a local chiropractic office to gain experience as a coder. Even after a year, I can submit letter and documentation to attempt to get my CPC-P status. I am hoping once this is done, opportunities will open up.

So check with local doctor's offices to see if you can volunteer and assist with coding & billing projects. This is a tough field to break into. Also, consider an xternship. I have looked into this and the closest one is over 2 hours away by public transportation which is not feasible. Good luck and keep on trying.
Hang in there

:) I honestly think the economy has alot to do with not having any luck. I have been in the healthcare field for over 13 yrs. as a provider relation rep. 2 years ago, I got laid off and got my certification as a CPC. I, too have found nothing. I recently got laid off from an externship because they had too many externs!!! I honestly feel things will change and there will be opportunities out there. I do think volunteering is the way to break through!
Deborah Hand
Atl., GA
I'm a CPC-A looking for a job in Tucson, AZ. Does anyone have any leads or any tips on helping me find employment? Thank you. All help is greatly appreciated. :eek:

Yes, go to the University of Arizona Medical Centers website and post your resume there. :)
I'm a CPC-A looking for a job in Tucson, AZ. Does anyone have any leads or any tips on helping me find employment? Thank you. All help is greatly appreciated. :eek:

Man, I feel you on that one. I've got a CPC-H-A and I've got my fingers crossed for about 10 different job applications right now. Someone upthread mentioned U of A's hospital. I'm hoping that any of the medical office jobs will allow me to sort of break into the coding department there.