Wiki How do you code BMI for Adults


Local Chapter Officer
Cloquet, MN
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I was told years ago BMI for adults goes by there age. So I use the Z68.21 to Z68.45 by age. Example person E66.9 age of 38 so I use Z68.38 another E66.9 age 60 I use Z68.44. Is this correct. I now questioning myself have I been doing this incorrect
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You were misinformed. The BMI is a measurement of a person's body mass. The only thing age-related is that there are different sets of codes for people 20 and under.

Most physicians include the BMI when they list the vitals on a report. If you need to figure it our for yourself you can google the BMI formula.
BMI need 2 dx codes to make it valid

Hi There

On coding BMI yes you use the weight of the person and use the dx block of E66 and Z68 on same claim. This is a 2 dx coding scenario; should coordinate E66 and Z68 together. Also anyone who has a BMI less than 30% most insurances will not cover. Also link with a dx Z71.2 Diet Maintenance per provider's notation.

Lady T