Wiki Hospitalist Services - Can you bill for visits without the physician completing his documentation.

Oakdale, LA
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We're having a discussion on whether or not we can send our hospitalist billing the charge sheets a physician has given us where he has he performed a discharge on a patient, but his discharge summary in the EHR is not completed or signed.
HIs charts are never delinquent for our facility as her completed them on the 30th day. So he is technically compliant with the facility requirements. He will just have an unsigned/unfinished progress note or DC summary for 15+ days and we don't feel comfortable sending his billing company that he has completed those for the DOS he states since they are not completed.

Does anyone know the rules on this? I'm strictly the facility coder.
Services should not be billed out with incomplete documentation. It is not completed until signed, even if appears all the information is there.
I only bill pro-fee, and never code out until signed.