Wiki Hospitalist discharge


Ellenwood, GA
Best answers
Hope someone out there can help me with this. One of my hospitalist discharges a patient on one calendar day, then the next day when rounding the patient has not been discharged due to no available bed at nursing home or for whateever reason. She briefly sees the patient however, the dishcharge summary has already been dictated.

How can we bill for the visit after the discharge summary has been dictated, can she do an addendum? Any and all suggestions is greatly appreciated.

Toni R. Jeffries CPC CPC-H
There is no medical necessity for an inpatient charge on the day following the planned discharge, if the patient is there only because there is no room at the Nursing Home.

Basically, the hospitalist swings by because the patient is still at the hospital, but not because inpatient care is required. I suggest that you do not bill for that visit.

If the patient stays because of an exacerbation of the condition, or other medically necessary visit, code the original discharge as a round. Then code a discharge (based on the available documentation) for the actual face-to-face visit when the patient leaves the facility.