Wiki Hospitalist Discharge Summary Diagnoses


Blaine, MN
Best answers
I am getting conflicting answers on how to code Hospitalist "Profee" Discharge Diagnoses. Do I code the diagnoses that might be listed but then have resolved next to it even though it might have been active the day or two prior while inpatient? Also, the doctor will list diagnoses under Discharge Diagnoses but upon further review in the Hospital Course" it will say resolved. How do I code this? I have also been told differently about whether to just use the Discharge diagnoses and others have said include Hospital Course.
I found this on the E/M University coding forum, so I think diagnoses that were treated during the hospital stay would be coded on the discharge even if they resolved before then. I wish more people would give their opinion on this.
Coding for Discharge Summary - E/M Coding Forum (
Diagnosis that were treated and resolved in the same encounter should be coded. If the patient came in with a history of a condition that was resolved prior to the encounter then it should not be coded unless it has an impact in the present treatment of the patient.