Wiki Hospital Visit & Death Pronouncement on Same Day


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We have been having a discussion in our office regarding the billing of a daily hospital visit and death pronouncement on the same day. Here is the senario:

Hospitalist sees pt at 10am & codes 99232, at 7:30pm same hospitalist is called to pt's room, pt is pronounced dead at 7:37pm.

The question is can you charge for both the 99232 & the 99238? Medicare indicates that these should not be billed together- only on the NCCI edits, but is it possible to append a 59 modifier to indicate that they are separate services?

Any information would be helpful.

Discharge day services include ALL services for that calendar date. In your example, I'd recommend combining the documentation, coding the 99239, and having your provider document the total time spent for the day to support it.