Wiki Hospital Visit by Physician


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Has anyone ever had this issue and how did they code and bill? A physician saw a patient in the hospital and performed an H&P and all services such as ordering tests, phone calls, etc, plus spent over an hour with the family. Now the hospital consultants are telling the hospital that the admitting date of service is iffy for RAC and they should not bill for that day. So the hospital is not going to bill anything for the first day and only bill for the second, third, and fourth day. Has anyone experienced this and any advice? Thank you
Physician bills for date service provided

The physician services are billed based on the date the service was actually provided.

This happens sometimes ... patient shows up in ER at 10:30p, is seen and evaluated by physician with decision to admit. BUT hospital doesn't get patient admitted until after midnight - technically the next day.

We still code the initial hospital visit on the date the service was actually provided.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC