Wiki Hospital Stress Test

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If a physician orders a stress test for a patient in the hospital, would you bill 78452-26 for interpretation of images and 93018 for interpretation of treadmill (lexi or dua) and report?
Thanks! But now this brings me to the question that if there was supervision as well wouldn't you use 93015 in the place of 93016 & 93018 because it includes the 2?
Our docs are always interpretation and report but are rarely at the hospital for supervision.
We do stress tests on our office as well, but we bill it different because we own the equipment.
if the test is being done where your provider does not OWN the equipment (have the expense for it) then you should not bill 93015. If the provider supervises the stress test and interprets/reports I would bill 78452-26/93016/93018, if another provider supervises, than I would bill only 78452-26/93018.

Of course that is assuming pharmacological rest & stress.