Wiki Hospital Shared Visit Language Template


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Does anyone have a language template for their docs to use when documenting MDM for a shared hospital visit? Thanks for the help!
I am not aware of any required language for shared/split. I would recommend encouraging your providers to be documenting the time, since starting 01/01/2024, who gets to bill will be determined only by time. Right now, it's either 1) use the substantive portion which is using either the history, exam or MDM (even though leveling is by MDM only) or 2) whichever provider spent > 50% of time. 2024 is only option 2 (unless it gets delayed again). It's helpful to have your providers start the time documentation now so that by 2024 it will be habit.
I am not aware of any required language for shared/split. I would recommend encouraging your providers to be documenting the time, since starting 01/01/2024, who gets to bill will be determined only by time. Right now, it's either 1) use the substantive portion which is using either the history, exam or MDM (even though leveling is by MDM only) or 2) whichever provider spent > 50% of time. 2024 is only option 2 (unless it gets delayed again). It's helpful to have your providers start the time documentation now so that by 2024 it will be habit.
Ugh, I expect pushback on that again. I'll be interested to see what comes out in the proposed rule. There was significant pushback on this last year, hence the delay on the final rule.