Wiki Hospital privileges


Irvine, CA
Best answers
Is anybody familiar with hospital privileges? Is this between a hospital and physician personal? If a physician is an employee of a medical group, does the privilege needs to be created between the medical group and the hospital in order for the group to be paid?
Physicians need to be individually credentialed for hospital privileges. The entire practice can be credentialed, but each provider needs to have their own individual privilege to work at the hospital. If your doctors are not privileged, they cannot practice at the hospital, unless there's some other arrangement. There are different levels of privilege: admitting, courtesy, etc.
Thank you Pam. If Dr. Smith has hospital privileges' with hospital A for admitting and follow up visits, and he belongs to medical group B. At the same time, he joins medical group C, when he admit patients and performs follow ups, who should bill insurance and get paid for the inpatient visits, group B or group C?
There is no clear cut answer with the information supplied. I suppose this would depend on his contracts, and whether he was working for Group B or Group C when performing this work. This does not have anything to do with his hospital privileges. Once the physician has privileges to perform a particular service, the hospital does not care what TID his services are billed under.
There is no clear cut answer with the information supplied. I suppose this would depend on his contracts, and whether he was working for Group B or Group C when performing this work. This does not have anything to do with his hospital privileges. Once the physician has privileges to perform a particular service, the hospital does not care what TID his services are billed under.
Thank you for your help(y)