Wiki Hospital owned space-MFM private practice


Montgomery, IL
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The specialist is in a private practice but uses a hospital owned space for the Initial Consultation & subsequent E/M visits. The POS was being billed as 11 but the biller was directed to change the POS to 22. The technical component for the US is billed with the 26 modifier as the equipment is the hospital equipment with the same issue applied to the POS.
Which is correct for the provider billing, 11 or 22?
This would depend on your provider's arrangement with the hospital. If the provider leases the space from the hospital for his or her own use, has his/her own staff there and is responsible for management and expenses of operating the space, then the POS 11 would be correct. On the other hand, if it is a hospital-operated space and the provider is just there to perform professional services with no responsibility for the operations or expenses, and the hospital bills their own portion, then a POS 22 (if on the hospital campus) or POS 19 (if off campus) would be correct.