Wiki Hospital IPPS 2022 data


Mooresville, NC
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Can anyone show me where to find the IPPS 2022 data? I checked the CMS website, and downloaded ALL the files on the IPPS final rule page, but can't seem to find it.
I'm sorry to be so dense, but this takes me to the general, background information, like what I was finding before. I keep downloading files, but can't find ANYthing like the HOPPS tables for IPPS. Does it not exist?
I'm sorry to be so dense, but this takes me to the general, background information, like what I was finding before. I keep downloading files, but can't find ANYthing like the HOPPS tables for IPPS. Does it not exist?

Are you looking for the MS-DRG table with the relative weights, Geometric Mean LOS, and Arithmetic Mean LOS? Or something else?

Table 5 will have the MS-DRG and relative weights for 2022.

If you need that file, you can scroll down towards the bottom of the FY 2022 IPPS Final Rule Homepage and look for the ZIP file for Table 5. It's under the header "FY 2022 Final Rule and Correcting Amendment Tables."

Thank you. I didn't KNOW I was looking for Table 5... but I was looking for Table 5. I now know how to calculate based on that and RW (found on Table 1 A-E). I'm guessing ALOS is not actually part of the equation if seeking a general, average medicare payment. Is that correct?
Thank you. I didn't KNOW I was looking for Table 5... but I was looking for Table 5. I now know how to calculate based on that and RW (found on Table 1 A-E). I'm guessing ALOS is not actually part of the equation if seeking a general, average medicare payment. Is that correct?

Correct. You probably wouldn't need to use the LOS columns if you're just looking for the general average payment for a DRG.

(Those columns are used for other types of calculations. For example, calculating reimbursement for a transfer patient.)