Wiki Hospital Inpatient Consultation


Gaithesburg, Maryland
Best answers
I work for an oncology practice with 11 physicians & PAs all together.
My physicians have questions about inpatient consultation.
More than one physicians from our practice like to bill inpatient consultation for the same patient during same admission period.
Both of them have same tax id# and they are from same specialty.

Is it ok to do that?
Please help me.

Thank you.
I ran into this SAME issue. In CPT 99251-99255 says only one IP Consult can be billed per Admission. The claim will be kicked back out because of the same Tax ID. I had a Huge debate about this and surely enough the claim that i said NOT to Bill came back as Denied :cool:
I work for an oncology practice with 11 physicians & PAs all together.
My physicians have questions about inpatient consultation.
More than one physicians from our practice like to bill inpatient consultation for the same patient during same admission period.
Both of them have same tax id# and they are from same specialty.

Is it ok to do that?
Please help me.

Thank you.
To my knowledge only if they have different taxometry numbers.
Yes i think that is true also. For oncology the Specialty numbers are

83- Hem/Onc
90- Medical Onc
91- Surgical Onc
92- Radiation Onc
98- Gynecologist/Oncologist

Not Sure if any have changed