I'm seeking feedback on the time statement requirement for hospital discharge code 99238. I interpret the guideline to state that time must be documented for BOTH 99238 and 99239. However, I have a co-worker that states that guideline only requires the time statement (30 minutes or greater) when billing the 99239. After providing reference to the guideline below, I'm told that if no time is documented, we can automatically assume it was less than 30 minutes and bill a 99238.
Whereas, another co-worker asked if time is not documented for a 99238/99239, can a daily round (99231-99233 or 99224-9226) be billed if documentation supports the required components for this category?
Whereas, another co-worker asked if time is not documented for a 99238/99239, can a daily round (99231-99233 or 99224-9226) be billed if documentation supports the required components for this category?