Wiki Hospital Coding VS Professional Coding?


Burlington, MA
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I am a new coder trying to get my coding career started. I am a CPC-A with no experience. I am currently employed at a hospital in work in medical records filing paperwork (have been in the position for 1 1/2yrs). I have applied for professional coding position and did not get the position. There is a postion open for a Certified Hospital Coder coding ambulatory surgeries and I don't know if I should apply? Any advice would be great since I am having a hard time deciding whether or not I should apply. Thanks!
I would apply, since you already have background with the company and you have credentials, maybe you could ask them to first allow you on a contingent basis, or part time while you continue to work your other. And it may turn out to be your time, so applying couldn't hurt anything.
Good Luck!
It never hurts to try ... and no matter where I go, what I do - my mom's words ring in my ears "no one can ever take away what you learn on the job; once learned, it is yours!" .. I would at least give it a shot!!! Good Luck!
I would definately apply! You are already working for the company which means you would get first priority from any outside applicants. Plus you are certified. Go for it!!! :)