Wiki Home Hospice UHC Commercial global denials


American Fork, UT
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I work for a company that provides hospice services to patients in their homes. I am getting a lot of denials for all United Healthcare commercial claims stating that our code Q5001 is part of a global service. I have argued that this is not a global procedure, however I can't get anywhere with it. It seems to be across the board in all states and I can't get any further information from UHC besides the definition of what a global service is, as if I don't know. Has anyone experienced this, or have any suggestions as to why this is happening? Maybe you have a suggestion as to who I can contact (nobody can seem to tell me who our provider rep is). I've appealed most with the result being the same and spoken to multiple representatives. When I do get them to send it back for review, I get the same denial with no further information.