Wiki Home Health Recertification


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When billing Novitas for a HH recertification, do I have to wait for the recertification period to be over before submitting a claim? For example, the recert period is 7/1/14 - 8/29/14. Do we have to wait until after 8/29/14 to submit a claim? Or can I submit a claim on, say, 8/8/14? Any help, and resource links is greatly appreciated?
Are you JH or JL. Novitas Please see the information below from novitas

"Physician services for recertification of Medicare-covered home health services may be billed after a patient has received services for at least 60 days when the physician signs the certification after the initial certification period. This recertification may be reported only once every 60 days, except in the rare situation when the patient starts a new episode before 60 days elapses and requires a new plan of care to start a new episode."