Wiki Home Health Plan of Care


Marion, OH
Best answers
I have a couple questions about home health?

1. When you bill a home health plan of care oversight (G0180 or G0179) what POS do you use? Do you use 12 for home health or do you use 11 since the actual plan of care oversight is done in the office and the doctor does not actually go to the patient's home?

2. If the principal diagnosis changes after the patient has entered home health does the doctor need to see the patient for that diagnosis within the 90 days prior/30 days after?

3. If home health changed the primary diagnosis and did not inform the doctor that the primary diagnosis changed until the next plan of care was due (2 months later) and the doctor did not document the problem when the patient was seen (patient did not advise doctor of the new problem) can we no longer bill for the plan of cares for the remander of home health (we did not document problem within 90 days/30 days)?
My understanding was you could only bill G0180 ONE time with the date of service being the date the doctor signs the 485 Initial Plan of Care and the place of service being 11. The diagnosis must match what is on the Care Plan for that date. Am I wrong?

Can anyone help with this?