Wiki Home Health Certification HELP!


High View, WV
Best answers
Pt received a TKR and was placed in Home Health services. Our physician prepared a Home Health Certification and Plan of Care for this pt outlining all necessary functions for this pt. The Cert period is for 05-23-14 to 7-21-14. The physician SIGNS the document outside of the cert period indicated. Can I still bill for this service or does the physician signature have to be within the certficiation period indicated on the HomeHealth form?

CPT codes used are G0180 for cert & G0179 for Re-cert.

I know that I am probably making this harder than it actually is so I am seeking a fresh new prospective outlook from you guys to assist me with understanding this billing.
Home Health Coding

I code for a Home Health Agency, are you billing for Home Health or outpatient services? The coding for Home Health is embedded in the Oasis C document, it looks like you may be talking about something else.
home health certification - help

I work with plans of care and orders for a home health agency. Normally, the home health agency clinician prepares the home health certification and plan of care and signs it before sending it to the physician for signature and dating. Physicians can and do at times sign the plan of care after the cert period has ended. Sometimes the plan of care is not prepared in time for that cert period. I have seen that happen. There are, at times, extenuating circumstances for this to happen. You may still bill for that plan of care. The G codes determine which way you may bill - start of care or recertification of care. You should receive a copy of the plan of care from the home health agency for care plan oversight which you may bill also. I hope that this answers your questions.
I am curious on one more issue relating to this. What dos would be appropriate to enter for billing purposes if the physician signature is outside of the certification period?