Wiki Home health certification - bill only one time


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G0180 can be billed once in a year or it should be bill only one time for a patient?

Can anyone advice on this
home health certs

Billing for G0180 depends on the episode of care the patient is in at that time... not whether or not it has been billed already in that year. For example, the dr may certify a patient's HH service for the right hip & you bill G0180. The patient continues to need HH services past 60 days so the dr recertifes the Plan of Care & then you bill G0179 at the 61st day. If on the 75th day, the patient is discharged, then that episode of care is complete. Then in 2 months, the patient needs HH services for the left knee and the dr certifies a Plan of Care for HH services, you would bill G0180 again in the same year because it is a different episode of care. Then you would proceed as stated above with G0179 if needed.

So billing for G0180 is significant to each episode of care. This is my understanding & I hope it makes sense.