Wiki Home Health Cert Date of Service

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Would someone be able to provide information that shows which date of service we should be billing on Home Health Certifications? Here are the certification periods for our patient in question as per the HH Agency:

4/13/2015-6/11/2015 (plan of care signed 6/1/2015)

The initial certification did have the face-to-face requirement met so we billed G0180 for date of service 2/12/2015. How would we bill the 4/13/2015 plan of treatment? There is not another face-to-face encounter that I am able to see. Is the date of service we should be billing 4/13/2015 or 6/1/2015 since that's the date the plan was signed? I cannot find any information that specifically states what date of service we should use on the claims. And, just to clarify, since we do not have a face-to-face for the 4/13 period do we bill G0179??

This has been an ongoing battle for my office! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Below are the references we were sent from Medicare, but it didn't explain the date of service issue. :confused:
I was looking for the same answers. I thought that now we are supposed to bill the date that it is signed. I read all the Medicare stuff too and it just seems like a gray area. Does anyone have answers to this yet?
You would use the date the plan of care was signed by the provider, i.e., the date the provider signs the Physician Oversight Services plan of care paperwork is the date you would use to bill the claim. I found this on the Medicare Palmetto B website by searching coding recertification.
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