Wiki Home Health Agency vs Outpatient Physical therapy


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I work for a amulatory physical therapy clinic. We generally verify benefits before patients arrive for their intial visit; however, sometimes the insurance information is not gathered until the patient is within our office. At that point we find out that the patient is recieving "home health care services" of one type or another- this includes meal preparations and house cleaning services, not only medical care.

1) If they are a Medicare patient, we generally get denied for our treatments because the patient was not discharged from home health care at the time of the visit. What are the options that our clinic has to get reimbursed for our services? Bill the home health agency? Bill the patient if an ABN is signed? Write off the entire visit?

2) If the home health agency states that the patient is discharged from their services, are we allowed to obtain a written record from the agency that in case an appeal were to take place with Medicare?