Wiki Hiv

Make certain this has been documented by the provider in the medical record , then the code is the V08 for asymptomatic HIV positive status. The note for 795.71 states:
This code is ONLY to be used when a test finding is reported as nonspecific. Asymptomatic positive findings are coded to V08. If any HIV infection symptom or condition is present, see code 042. Negative findings are not coded.
HIV Ab +

I read this...

The most common HIV test, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, or ELISA (also called EIA), is used to detect HIV antibodies in a sample of the blood. Other versions of the antibody HIV test use a sample of saliva or urine.

Although HIV tests are very sensitive, they can produce false-positive results. So ELISA HIV tests must be confirmed with another HIV test, such as a Western blot or indirect immunofluorescence assay

Since the antibody tests can be false positive and a second test is required to Dx HIV, wouldn't HIV Ab + be inclusive until confirmed?

Thank You
If the provider interprets the result and documents as HIV+ status then we code as V08. We cannot question the providers determination of the diagnosis.
Everything I have read indicates that HIV ab+ is an HIV + status, however there is some disagreement in the literature as to whether this is an asymptomatic or symptomatic status. If there are symptoms that prompted this test then it is likely symtomatic status, I would query the provider for more clarification.