Wiki history of alcohol abuse - Can I please get other's opinions


True Blue
Best answers
Can I please get other's opinions for a dx code for history of alcohol abuse? There is no reference made to alcoholism and the patient states quit 5 years ago.

thank you for your help
Faye Brown states: Although there is a code for history of alcoholism(V11.3), it is very rare for a pt with alcoholism to experience a full recovery, alcoholism in remission is ordinarily the code that should be assigned.
I would ask the doctor and clarify how this is related to the current medical issue(s). One binge drinking night is "alcohol abuse" but does not make one an alcoholic with a history of alcoholism, and once you label a patient as an "alcoholic" you can never go back and undo that diagnosis. From: : "Binge drinking usually corresponds to 5 or more drinks on a single occasion for men or 4 or more drinks on a single occasion for women, generally within about 2 hours.3"