Wiki History Code

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I've been grappling with this code selection for a while and need input!
V13.22-personal history for cervical dysplasia. ICD9 says "for conditions classifiable to 622.10-622.12" so CIN I and CIN II.

However, V10.41-personal history malignant neoplasm cervix uteri. IDC9 says "conditions classifiable to 179-187.

The dx code for CIN III, or carcinoma in situ is 233.1. It doesn't meet any of the subheading criteria for either code. It IS carcinoma, but I'm hesitant to use it because of the "179-187" subheading.

Suggestions? Am I being too OCD??
Hi. Using an encoder if you enter History of Carcinoma In-Situ it gives you code V13.89. If the patient no longer has/or being treated for CIN III, I don't believe you would code 233.1.
Hope this is of help to you. :)