Wiki hip fracture repair


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what is the difference between the 27125 and 27236 - not necessarily the procedure specifics, but why are you directed to the 27236 for repair following a fracture instead of the 27125 hemiarthroplasty?

thanks, melissa
27236 is when the patient's fractured femoral neck at the hip is repaired using an open approach. The fracture is either treated with plates and screws or with a prosthetic implant. The prosthetic implant would be a replacement of the femoral head only.

27125 is a procedure for a partial total hip where they are replacing just the femoral head with a prosthesis. 27125 should be reported for degenerative changes not fracture conditions.

The main difference is 27236 is for fracture care and 27125 is for degenerative conditions.
thank you! I knew we are instructed to use the 27236 for fx, but had no "why" to back that up. that helps!!!

:) melissa