Wiki Hip fracture of cancer patient 99223


True Blue
Lithonia, GA
Best answers
Pt seen in ED for hip fx has history of breast cancer. ED physician has attending oncologist consult patient. Attending oncologist admits pt for hip fracture to be repaired surgically by other physicians. Pt also has anemia and pleural effusions being treated by other physicians. Oncologist is only concerned about Ca. The oncologist admitted the pt billed 99223 but does not have enough documentation to meet the initial level (HPI-EPF, PE-EPF, MDM-L). Can I bill a subsequent?
According to an audit report from Tailblazers last year you should code the subsequent level if you cannot meet the minimal requirements for the lowest level of initial.
According to an audit report from Tailblazers last year you should code the subsequent level if you cannot meet the minimal requirements for the lowest level of initial.

That's what I thought my only concern was the oncologist being the admitting therefore I was under the impression that he must meet certain criteria for initial E/M i.e. HPI-D/C, PE-D/C.